Obtain Public Records

City Records

To view or request copies of other public City records not found on this page, please complete the Public Records Act Request Form (below) and submit it to our office using the contact information on the form.  If you need assistance in determining the type of document you are looking for, feel free to contact our office at (562) 801-1424, ext. 2271.

Public Records Act Request Form

Public Records Act Request Pick-Up Folder

To search for Agendas, Agenda Packets, Agreements, Minutes, Ordinances, and Resolutions, click on the City Records Archive link below.  If after completing your search you still do not find what you're looking for or just need some help, please contact our office at (562) 804-1424, ext. 2271 or complete the Public Records Act Request Form (above) and submit it to our office using the contact information on the form.  

City Records Archive

To search for a business license, click the link below.  If after completing your search you still do not find what you're looking for or just need some help, please contact our office at (562) 804-1424, ext. 2271 or complete the Public Records Act Request Form (above) and submit it to our office using the contact information on the form.  

Business License Search

Other City Records:   

Other Resources

Real Estate Records: To request records pertaining to real estate, contact the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's Office at (800) 201-8999 (Norwalk Main Office) or visit their website here.

Birth, Death, and Marriage Records: To request birth, death, and marriage records, contact the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's Office at (562) 462-2137, Option 1 (Norwalk Main Office) or visit their website here.

Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County - Bellflower Courthouse General Directory