Caruthers Park Stormwater and Urban Runoff Capture Project

The City of Bellflower has prepared an Environmental Initial Study for the proposed Caruthers Park Stormwater and Urban Runoff Capture Project (Mitigated Negative Declaration No. MND 18-01).  The proposed project will be located at Caruthers Park (10500 Flora Vista Street, Bellflower, California) and includes the construction and operation of new infrastructure improvements.  The proposed project is designed for the elimination of dry weather flow from the stormwater pipe draining to the Los Cerritos Channel and the park-adjacent Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) channel draining to the Lower San Gabriel River, as well as maximizing wet weather pollutant removal by constructing a regional stormwater capture project.  Diversion rates from the two stormwater conveyances into the capture unit will be optimized to maximize the water quality benefits for both water bodies for the City of Bellflower while also providing additional benefit to upstream areas outside of municipal boundaries that have the potential to foster future partnerships. This balanced approach for the proposed project will provide capture of urban runoff from the 85th percentile storm for the BI1902 storm drain while additionally providing substantial water quality benefit to the LACFCD P16 drainage channel.